Dachb0den is a southern california based hacker think-tank dedicated to providing new and innovative technologies to the world. One of dachb0den's key principles is that no one should have only one perspective. Real advancements in technology are made through thinking in a different perspective, or outside of the box. That is why dachb0den was formed. To motivate hacking, innovation, and hard work to better ourselves and the world around us.
sql++ is an easily configurable, feature-rich, portable command-line SQL tool. It can be used with many different databases and in place of other command-line tools such as MySQL's mysql-client and Oracle's sqlplus. It has features such as multiple connections, multi-database interfacing, subselects for all databases, regardless of whether the database has native subselects or not, and much more.
sql++ project page
sql++ v0.06
. h1kari presented at HiverCon and 19C3
David Hulton ended up presenting this year at HiverCon in Dublin and 19th Annual Chaos Communication Congress (19C3) in Berlin. His talk at HiverCon covered all of the current day attacks on 802.11b wireless networks as well as some new injection based replay and wep cracking attacks. The presentation at 19C3 covered all of the topics that were covered at Hivercon, but presented a few peer-to-peer adhoc wireless networking concepts as well. The presentations and a basic demonstration flash movie are provided below.
802.11b Wireless Security with BSD-AirTools (HiverCon)
802.11b Wireless Security: Past, Present, and Future (19C3)
Adhoc Wireless Relaying Flash Demo (19C3)
. ToorCon Computer Security Conference 2002
ToorCon Computer Security Conference will be sponsored by Dachb0den Labs this year. If you haven't already pre-regged or rsvped for ToorCon this year and are planning to go, you better do it quick. ToorCon will be at the Westin Horton Plaza Hotel in San Diego, CA on September 27th-29th. The whole Dachb0den crew will be there as always, so stop by and say hi.
ToorCon Computer Security Conference 2002
. h1kari to speak at HiverCon
David Hulton will be presenting this year at HiverCon on Wireless Security. His presentation will be a technical overview of all of the current leading edge methods of attacking 802.11b wireless networks. It will cover specifics behind wep cracking using both the 21-bit passphrase and brute force attacks, the Fluhrer, Mantin, and Shamir attack, and other injection based wep attacks. It will also cover specifics behind protocol capture and injection attacks including disassociating nodes from an access point, re-associating them with another access point, basic man-in-the-middle scenarios, as well as some new 802.11b hardware/firmware and software based vulnerabilities. Various live attack scenarios will be presented and demonstrated using bsd-airtools in front of the audience. New injection tools and methods will be released.
HiverCon 2002
bsd-airtools projects
. bsd-airtools mentioned in "Wireless Security End to End"
Wireless Security End to End is now available in stores and covers some basic BSD-Airtools utilities as examples for AP detection, WEP cracking, etc. Check it out if you have a chance. Much thanks Brian Carter.

bsd-airtools projects

