
d.amp is a web based distributed mp3 server. Main development was in php4 and flash 5, with daemon scripting in perl. It was originally developed by h1kari. Functions included directory browsing, text based volume control, and song queuing. I then took that base, optimized it, added more functions, and changed the interface.
Automated playlist refresh
Flash Interface
Song pause, resume, skip functions
Directory Browser
Directory add all
Single song queue removal
Flash DAC and Line volume control
Functions under development
Flash Enable/Disable
Full featured playlist editor
Web Based Upload
Librarian - formats song titles by artist and sorts songs by catagory
Installation and Configuration
Install is pretty straight foward. Unzip and put all the files in the web folder. Create the following files:
Install mpeg123 and zap, you can find these in the ports tree. Php and perl need to be installed. Finally run mp3d.pl deamon.
Any questions, comments, suggestions, graips, complaints, flamming, whinning, crying, lude remarks, will be addressed with the finger(j/k). Please feel free to tell me what I can do to make d.amp better.

