A few months ago I decided to get a powerbook g4 for a few different reasons. Namely, the quality and speed of the architecture, the crisp widescreen 15.2" display, slot-loading dvd drive, and all of the other built in features that they managed to fit in a 1" thick titanium cased laptop. I, myself, am not too much of a mac person, but I really wanted some variation from the normal x86 architecture and compatible hardware.
Operating Systems
I tried a bunch of different operating systems. On my first attempt back in August, I decided that linux was the best choice, since at the time it had the best support. However, recently due to all of the great development work in the *bsd's, I've switched to openbsd. Openbsd is lacking in support in some areas, but I personally prefer it over netbsd, even though netbsd has better support. Here's some pointers on how to get your tibook setup with linux or openbsd.
Please send any questions, comments, suggestions to me about this project.
