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projects . blackhack
Blackhack is an attempt to exploit statistical weaknesses in the game blackjack, using a combination of a structured betting system, card counting/prediction, and setting limits, so you can walk out of a casino with money in your pocket (as oppose to the opposite).

The Betting System
First off, we use a binary based betting system. This is what blackhack is mainly based on, and allows us to lose more then 50% of the time and still walk out with $. This is how it works:

> Every time you loose, you double your bet.
> Every time you win, you revert back to your original bet.
> Never double down, split, or buy insurance.
> Play extremely cautiously (the main advantage of the house is that you can loose before they even show their hand), we recommend not hitting even if you have 12, or at least until you gain enough experience to really weigh the odds.
> Always set a walk out limit for your winnings (we recommend between 30-50% of your base).
> If you loose your base, always walk out with what you have left.

I know that the rules probably don't make sense, but they will after we explain more. Now for an example:

Assume you're playing at a $10 table. We recommend that you play with at least 5 losses, this means your base is:

> let bet = $10 (your base bet)
> let losses = 5 (your losses)
> let base = bet * ((2 ^ losses) - 1)

This means your base is going to be $310. Now, lets practice the betting system:

> base = $310
> winnings = $0
> bet = $10
> you loose $10.

> double bet
> base = $300
> winnings = $0
> bet = $20
> you loose $20.

> double bet
> base = $280
> winnings = $0
> bet = $40
> you win $80.

> base = $310
> winnings = $10
> bet = $10
> you win $10.

> base = $310
> winnings = $20
> bet = $10
> you loose $10

etc... Basically, whenever you win, you go back to your original base + $10, no matter what. The only way to loose with this betting system is to loose 5 times in a row, otherwise you could loose a total of 200 times and win only 50 times and still pull through making $500 (although extremely unlikely, still probable). This betting system, used along side card prediction increases your odds greatly and provides structure so you do not loose money.

At most casinos the ceiling for $10 tables is $1000, which allows you to go up to 7 losses ($1270) because your max bet is under $1000 ($640). 7 losses in a row is fairly difficult to get, and increases the amount of times you can win before you accumulate enough probability to loose your base. The system really depends on your bankroll, because if you can get enough money, you can win large amounts of money with an extremely low probability of loosing your base.

Card Prediction
When the casino is using 3-6 decks that are suffled every turn or every few turns, it is almost impossible to count the cards. Instead of counting them, we statistically predict them. For example, if there are a lot of high cards on the table there's a good chance the next card will be low, and vice versa. How we do this is by categorizing the cards 2-5 as low, 6-9 as medium, and 10-ace as high. Now, we count the amount in each category in each deal for all players and make decisions based on what card we're looking for, and what categories have a low count.

Usually it's difficult for the person playing to keep track of this stuff, so it's usually best to play in pairs and have one person watch the cards while the other plays and makes simple decisions. There's a lot of casinos that don't allow coaching, so try and find ones that do if you want to play this way (not worth playing if they're gonna take your winnings and kick you out).

Anyway, back to the card counting. You should make sure you reset your counting every time the dealer reshuffles. Also, if you have a choice, choose a table with a lot of players so you can get a better spread of cards. Additionally, join tables right after dealer changes so you can stay with the same dealer for the longest amount of time (if you get caught at a low point during a dealer change, bad things can happen, so make sure you're with the same dealer for the longest amount of time).

Practice! Practice! Practice!
This system is not foolproof. We've found it to work roughly 90% of the time, so don't be suprised if it doesn't work once. We also stress that you must practice playing it until it almost becomes an instinct and you can play it almost fully detached from the money and the game. You must remember, the main reason why people don't win at casinos is because of 3 things: 1. greed, 2. not knowing when to quit, 3. believing in luck. You must understand there is no such thing as luck and greed only leads to loosing in the end, because the odds *are* against you always, the only thing you can count on is statistics and probability.

Blackhack isn't perfect, if it was then casino's wouldn't offer black jack. Do what you will with this info, but remember they call it gambling for a reason ;). If you have any black jack tips that have worked for you, send them in and we'll post them.

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