dachb0den .
information . history . contributions . links . contact

users .
h1kari . nfiltr8 . CommPort5 . pldn . Daimun

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bsd-airtools . sql++ . screamingcobra . tibook-nix . blackhack . d.amp

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users . CommPort5
Name: CommPort5
A/S/L: 15/Male/Los Angeles, CA
Associations: LAPM, ToorCon, SUIDNet.
Current Projects: screamingCobra, securi.tech, pdump, Packet.
Skills: Perl+CGI+Tk, Sockets, mySQL, Unix Administration.

Background: When I was younger I started playing with computers and the web. After I started using the Internet I quickly wanted to have my own web pages and began to learn HTML. From there I moved on to other languages and began to require the use of a Unix machine and learned FreeBSD and Perl. I then wanted to learn the ins and outs of them and started my journey.

When I was 13 I moved from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Los Angeles and began a better life. From there I was provided with a better connection and began to meet new and exciting people. I then got into more system administration and started to do security and vulnerability work. I also got into low-level sockets and got deeply into vulnerability testing and patching.

Since I was living in LA and was getting very well-rounded with computers, I wanted to join some computer groups. When I saw that the Los Angeles Perl Monger was gone, I started it up myself and provided a perl users group for people al over LA.

The first day the encrypted IRC network, SUIDnet, started, I immidiately linked a server and became one of the three original and only hubs for the server and have been maintaining it ever since. I also wrote the channel and oper services bot specifically for our network with functions that no other bots had.

I quickly learned that high school was holding me back from very good job oppurtunities so I took the California High School Proficiency Exam when I learned about it and passed it. This will allow me to leave school when I'm 16 with a diploma and begin a job while taking classes to prepare for college.

Soon after, I became a speaker and staff memeber of ToorCon, the annual security conference in San Diego to help others learn more about computers and other technical security issues. At the same time I began a public security database called securi.tech, or at http://securi.tech.lucidx.com for non-new.net users. I also began writing my own vulnerability testing and patching systems along with automated software to find bugs in software, for both open-source and binary, or closed-source, applications.

When dachb0den started, I was already affiliated with the users and we've worked on projects together along with other events. I then was placed in the ranks of the others in the group to help form and to start and continue projects with the toolset of the other sophisticated and technically-agressive people of dachb0den.

Favorite Quote: Survival of the fittest man, and we've got the [gun.]

copyright © 2001, dachb0den labs - aus der dose. please send any comments, suggestions, questions to the .
all information is property of dachb0den, distribution is permitted as long as credit is given.