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users . Daimun
Name: Daimun
A/S/L: 20/Male/Springfield, MO
Current Projects: DLang, OpenHack.
Skills: Assembly, C/C++, Haskell, Java, Lisp, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby Low Level UNIX Programming, SQL, all things Pizza.

Background: When I was 7, my father brought home a Tandy 1000. I started to learn how to use it. A few years later, at the age of 10, my parents bought me my own Tandy PC. It was a beast. 2MHz processor. 256KB of RAM. It even had it's own boot ROM so you didn't need a bootdisk.

Sometime between my dad's Tandy and getting my own, my parents got divorced and I wound up in California. We lived there for a couple of years, before my mother decided to move to Springfield, MO to go back to school. Fast forward a decade and she's got her masters. Kudos, mom - I'm proud of you.

So after my beloved Tandy, the chain of important computers in my life goes something like this (that is, there's others, but don't stick out in my memory as really mattering).

Tandy->386->Cyrix P233->AMD K6 300->AMD K6-2 500->AMD Duron 800->Sun Sparcstation 5->AMD Thunderbird 1.3GHz
What a life.

I got my start programming at the age of 11 back in California. A friend of my mother's was a computer-whiz and showed me some tricks with Basic. Around the age of 13 I started on C. After that.. does it really matter?

I'm currently attending Southwest Missouri State University, working on my Bachelors of Science in Computer Science. I can honestly say that it has been a very worthwhile experience. There are some things that happen in University life that just don't happen anywhere else.

I plan on applying to Washington University in Saint Louis to work on my masters degree. I'm only a Junior now, so that's still a couple years off (Computer Science takes 5 years to get at best).

I will soon most likely be getting a job with travelnow.com doing Java development. The current national crisis has everyone on watch, so while I've been told that they would like to hire me, they aren't hiring anyone for a while.

I work for Papa John's Pizza as a driver and a shift manager. Once I start at travelnow.com, I'll drop my driver hours. I love the people I work with too much to totally leave.

The other major satisfaction in my life is music. While I haven't played the majority of these in several years, I could probably handle them if I picked them up -- Guitar, Saxophone (Alto, Baritone), Piano, Euphonium, Trombone, Bells/Xylophone, and a little bit of Trumpet.

The only ones I really keep up with is the Guitar and Saxophone - and the piano when I have the opportunity.

As far as tech goes - I'm quite a skilled programmer, and I know it. But I don't let tech rule my life. I do my best to keep up on my writing and music. I learned in high school that a one-way life ain't for me, as the horse says.

Favorite Quote:
And Lot's wife, of course, was told not to look
back where all those people and their homes had
been. But she did look back, and I love her
for that, because it was so human.
  -- Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse Five

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all information is property of dachb0den, distribution is permitted as long as credit is given.