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h1kari . nfiltr8 . CommPort5 . pldn . Daimun

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bsd-airtools . sql++ . screamingcobra . tibook-nix . blackhack . d.amp

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bsd-airtools .
 dstumbler . dweputils . prism2ctl . prism2dump . source-mods
dweputils .
 dwepcrack . dwepdump . dwepkeygen

projects . bsd-airtools v0.2 . dweputils v0.1 . dwepcrack v0.4
dwepcrack is a wep cracking application built for all forms of attacks on wep encrypted 802.11b networks. it implements a few different techniques into one package that allows you to fully test a wep encrypted network with all of the available methods currently available.

Much credit to Tim Newsham, Scott Fluhrer, Itsik Mantin, and Adi Shamir for their various theory and code implementations, with which dwepcrack is based off of.

current features of dwepcrack include:
> optimized brute forcing of 40-bit keys (using Tim Newsham's method of only testing the 2^21 possibilities that are generated by the 40-bit key generator)
> smp support with multi-processing options (-j)
> the ability to brute force the entire keyspace (just in case you have a supercomputer or ten layin around)
> the ability to brute force using a wordlist
> ability to crack wep using the weak ksa method + brute force
> uses the optimizations described in "Practical Exploitation of RC4 Weaknesses in WEP Environments"


To compile dwepcrack for a bsd operating system, simply review the default Makefile for any options you might want to change, and then run make.

$ vi Makefile
$ make

To install dwepcrack, simply run make install. The Makefile will install dwepcrack into /usr/local/bin by default and chmod/chown it to 755/root.wheel.

$ sudo make install

There are a few command line options you can use when running dwepcrack.

usage: dwepcrack [-j <jobs>] [-b [-e] | -w [-f <fudge>]] [-s] <logfile> [wordfile]
-j: number of processes to run (useful for smp systems)
-b: brute force key by exhausting all probable possibilities
-e: search the entire key width (will take a while)
-w: use weak ksa attack
-f: fudge the probability scope by specified count (might take a while)
-s: file uses 104-bit wep

dweputils .
 dwepcrack . dwepdump . dwepkeygen
bsd-airtools .
 dstumbler . dweputils . prism2ctl . prism2dump . source-mods

copyright © 2001, dachb0den labs - aus der dose. please send any comments, suggestions, questions to the .
all information is property of dachb0den, distribution is permitted as long as credit is given.