dachb0den .
information . history . contributions . links . contact

users .
h1kari . nfiltr8 . CommPort5 . pldn . Daimun

projects .
bsd-airtools . sql++ . screamingcobra . tibook-nix . blackhack . d.amp

archives .
tools . exploits . advisories

bsd-airtools .
 dstumbler . dweputils . prism2ctl . prism2dump . source-mods
dweputils .
 dwepcrack . dwepdump . dwepkeygen

projects . bsd-airtools v0.2 . dweputils v0.1 . dwepkeygen v0.1
dwepkeygen is an application that allows you to create keys using a passphrase (seed) that creates a unique set of 40-bit keys that you can use with your ap and various nodes. The unique keys that it generates are then checked to make sure that they are not vulnerable to the 21-bit attack.

current features of dwepkeygen include:
> generation of random keys based on a common seed
> automatic checking to make sure the key isn't vulnerable to the 21-bit attack
> full distribution across the 40-bit keyspace


To compile dweputils for a bsd operating system, simply review the default Makefile's for any options you might want to change, and then run make.

$ vi Makefile
$ make

To install dwepkeygen, simply run make install. The Makefile will install dwepkeygen into /usr/local/bin by default and chmod/chown it to 755/root.wheel.

$ sudo make install

All you need to specify when running dwepkeygen is a seed for creating the 40-bit keys.

usage: dwepkeygen <seed>

dweputils .
 dwepcrack . dwepdump . dwepkeygen
bsd-airtools .
 dstumbler . dweputils . prism2ctl . prism2dump . source-mods

copyright © 2001, dachb0den labs - aus der dose. please send any comments, suggestions, questions to the .
all information is property of dachb0den, distribution is permitted as long as credit is given.